Women's Ministry

The women of West Side have a strong community, constantly building relationships and growing deeper in faith and love in Christ together. Make sure to check out these great opportunities:

Morning Glory

Thursdays, Sept.-May, 9:30-11:30 am, in West Side North Library (615 Wright Ave-Richland). We warmly welcome women of all ages to join us for fellowship, a Bible study, and prayer. Contact Joan Swinth or Ann Forsythe with any questions. Or contact the church office at info@westside1.org or 509.946.4656 and they will get you connected with the Morning Glory group. 

Sarah's Circle

2nd Wednesday (September-June), 11:30 am-1:00 pm, West Side North Narthex (615 Wright Ave-Richland). Sarah Circle is a group of West Side women who meet monthly to share lunch and fellowship. Interesting educational programs are presented that support various local, national and international mission causes. Women of all ages are welcome! 


Women's Craft Weekend - October 24-27

Ingalls Creek Enrichment Center - Peshastin, WA
Ladies! Are you ready? Get away from it all, get into the mountains for fall color and cool air, bring your craft projects and sewing machines, talk, eat fresh-picked fruit, talk some more, eat gourmet meals, walk in the woods, share lives with friends, and maybe even find a minute to work on your projects! This year's weekend will be Oct. 24-27 at Ingalls Creek Enrichment Center (Peshastin, WA). The cost is $90/night (min. 2-night stay). Contact Marion Dowell at jlmrdowell@gmail.com to reserve your spot today!


Festival of Tables - Saturday, Dec. 7, 2023

Ladies: Festival of Tables is a beautiful program of fellowship, music & carols, brunch, and an inspiring message on the meaning of Christmas from a guest speaker. Hostesses decorate tables and invite others to sit with them, traditionally leaving a few seats for newcomers. This uplifting start to the Advent Season is usually the first Saturday in December. Tickets sell out fast, so be prepared to purchase yours in early November. 
We begin planning Festival of tables in August. If you are interested in being a part of the planning committee, please contact Pat Reich or Kristianne Rogalsky.
If you would like to become a hostess, please watch for the tables in the narthex to appear, starting around mid-October.

More Fellowship and Growth opportunities: