We have expanded our online donation accounts to include Tithes/Offering (Operating), Deacons, Capital, Karel Coppock Ministry, and Vision 20/20. At this time, we are only able to accept online donations to these 5 accounts.
If you would like to donate to an account that is not available online, please mail a check to West Side Church (615 Wright Ave, Richland, WA 99352) or utilize the bill payer option offered by your personal bank. If you have any questions, please contact the Finance Office via email at giving@westside1.org.
There are several ways to give to West Side Church. In order to maximize your gift, we recommend you give during services, mail us your offering, use your bank’s bill-pay service, or set up online payments from a bank account. These options have the lowest overhead cost. However, for those who would rather give with a credit card, we also offer online giving with credit cards.
Offering Envelopes
Envelopes are available on both narthex information boards. If you give cash in these envelopes and want the Finance Office to track your giving, please include a note or write your name on the outside of the envelope.
Bank Bill-Pay
Many financial institutions offer a bill-paying service. While your gift to West Side Church is not a bill, these services will send a physical check to us through the mail. Please contact your financial institution for more information or feel free to call the church Finance Office.
Online Giving through westsidechurchrichland.org
West Side partners with suran.com to offer online giving by electronic check or debit/credit card. As noted previously, if you give with a credit card, this method will decrease the amount of your gift received by West side due to fees charged by your credit card company. Click HERE to access online giving.
615 Wright Ave.
Richland WA 99352
Phone Number
509-946-4656 ext 3
Email Address