Men's Ministry

The Men’s Ministry at West Side Church is built upon 4 pillars.
We call men of all ages to come together in community to:

Learn Strategically

When it comes to learning and study, we look for content that has a strategic purpose and relevance to our lives and relationships.

Laugh Regularly

We believe that it is easy to be come too worried, too stressed, and over-worked. Laughing regularly with each other will help us to bring perspective into our lives.

Live Adventurously

We all desire adventure, whether physical such as a trip to the mountains or the river, or missional such as taking an opportunity in helping others in a way that we don’t typically experience. We believe that taking adventures together help strengthen our relationships and our community

Love Deeply

We believe that we all need deep relationships with a few other trusted men. Men who will be there in the tough times, will offer wise advice when asked and who will champion each other’s relationships with our wives and children

Men's Breakfast - Authentic Manhood

When:  3rd Saturday of the Month @ 8 am (Sept. – May)
Where: Lobby in NORTH (single-story bldg.)
What: Come enjoy breakfast and fellowship with us! We will eat at 8, do a Bible study, and finish with conversation around our tables. Register online HERE.