Wednesdays @ West Side Church

Please Join us for fellowship and a family-friendly meal (see menu below) at 5:15 in NORTH.

Bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share. If you are able, suggested weekly donations to help offset the costs of providing the meals are: $6/Family, $2/Adult (12+), $1/Child (4-12). After dinner, classes will run 6:00 -7:30 pm. 

Winter Wednesdays at WS 2023 square


1/15 - 3/26

1/15 – Chili Cookoff with Salad & Cornbread
1/22 – Breakfast for Dinner
1/29 – Crispy Chicken
2/5 – Cabbage Rolls (corn dogs for kids)
2/12 – Mac & Cheese with Ham

2/19 – Pork Goulash
2/26 – Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
3/5 – Soup Supper (Ash Wednesday)
3/12 – Taco Bar
3/19 – Hot Dogs and Sausages
3/26 – Hamburger & Tater Tot Casserole

Kids Klub

Wednesdays @ 6 PM
Elementary kids Grades 1-5 - Join us for fun and friendships, as we look at the Parables of Jesus together this fall. Crafts, music, sharing and games - all packed into 90 minutes! All kids in 1st - 5th grades are welcome! Bring a friend!
Preschool ages 3 - 5 Enjoy age appropriate games, crafts, songs, and Bible times. Grow spiritually and socially, with fun and friends. All are welcome to join us for this fun time of growing together.

Nursery for kids ages 2 & under will enjoy safe, loving care for our youngest ones. Our engaging providers are screened and trained so that your kids can enjoy a safe play time with God and friends.

Middle School Basic

Basic for middle school students is a fun, high energy weekly event where students 6-8th grade can come and have fun, make new friends, and learn about Jesus in fun and relevant ways. Basic meets from 6-7:30pm on Wednesday nights in the middle school space of SOUTH

Alpha Youth (9th - 12th Graders)

With youth and Alpha leadership - Alpha is a series of conversations that explore the basics of Christianity in a welcoming environment. It's a place where you can share what you think and ask your questions in a judgement-free space. Everyone's welcome, no matter what your background or beliefs are. We'll have dinner at 5:15 (in NORTH) and then we'll watch an interesting video and have great conversation with other teens who have questions about life and faith (in SOUTH). Bring your friends! Both the dinner and the course are free. Questions? Contact Shawn Bassler at or click the picture on the left.

Classes from January 15 - March 26**

**No classes on March 5, except Alpha Youth

Holy Habits for Families

Rev. Patrick Grover & Rev. Shari Grover

NORTH Rm. 17

Most Christian parents deeply desire to anchor their children to a vibrant faith that continues into adulthood. Yet, despite this goal, research indicates that approximately 40-50% of high school seniors drift from their faith after graduation. In this class, we will look at 2 different video-based programs that came from experienced professionals who care deeply for kids and families. We will discuss powerful strategies and practical ideas to help us foster our children’s spiritual growth, enabling our young people to develop a faith in Jesus that lasts a lifetime. Everyone is welcome to join us as we journey through parenting and grandparenting together!

A2 - Following Jesus: Training in Holy Habits

Rev. Ralph Kieneker

NORTH Sanctuary

How do we actually follow Jesus? In this course, we are going to flesh out the truth that God’s grace is opposed to an attitude of earning not effort. We are going to embrace the truth that we are to train in the ways of Jesus and not just try harder. We will examine and try to practice habits that shaped Jesus’ life and were intended to shape our lives. Jesus’ promise is freedom, he wants us to experience this freedom in our daily lives, following Jesus into his way of life is the way of freedom. Come join us!

The New Life Course is also known to Alpha graduates as the a@ class. This class is intended to take you deeper into the Christian faith with a format similar to Alpha. All past Alpha guests are encouraged to attend and this class is open to everyone.