Wednesday AM Bible Study – The Fragrance of Christ

The Fragrance of Christ: A Study on Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians

Every Wednesday from 9-10 am in NORTH Sanctuary

Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is a hard and beautiful letter. It is filled with sorrow and regret, frustration and disappointment, rebuke and the call to be reconciled. it is gritty and sometimes shocking, and yet for all the struggles, it is filled with beauty, love, and hope. It is divine revelation given to help us live in the world and work things out, not the way the world works things out, but by picking up our crosses and following Jesus. Let me invite you to come and grow together as Paul shows us that mercy, compassion, love, weakness, and humility are the way of true glory.


Dec 18 2024


9:00 am - 10:00 pm


Young Adult