Going Deeper: Surprised By Hope

Bill Root
NORTH Library

What do we hope for? In what ways does God intend for us to experience His hope and spread its healing power to the world around us? N.T. Wright leads us on a remarkable journey that guides us to rethink and reconsider what the Bible teaches us about hope. Questions to be considered include:
Is heaven really a destination like an astronomical zip code that is disembodied from our existence on earth?
If we are going to be resurrected in the future does the
present really matter?
Is the hope of resurrection a call to build part of God’s Kingdom
in the present?
What does it mean to live now as resurrected people int he tension that exists between Christ’s resurrection and the final day?
How does our true hope lead us to a more fruitful life rather than the life of vague optimism?
Do we hope for the future start of a new Creation, or has the beginning of the new creation already begun and
are we a part of it?
Is our main duty as Christians simply to help non-Christians get into heaven or are we called to create and participate in the
hope of the new creation?

Join us this fall at Wednesday at West Side to journey through our hope in Jesus Christ and our role in the new creation!

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Sep 18 2024


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm



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